What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in both fresh and salt water, soil, and numerous foods including: spinach, grapes, brewed black tea, coffee, fish and crab.
Why is fluoride important?
Dental cavities are the most common and preventable disease in children and adults worldwide. They cause pain and require treatment that may cost more than people can afford. Fluoride can prevent, stop or reverse cavities. It also protects the tooth enamel from the acids produced when we eat or drink and when we don’t brush and clean between our teeth regularly.
What types of fluoride do dental and dental hygiene offices use?
- Varnish painted on the teeth (most effective)
- Gel or foam applied in trays (moderately effective)
- Mouth rinse (least effective)
Do I need a fluoride treatment?
Your dental hygienist will assess your oral health and let you know if you would benefit from a fluoride treatment. A fluoride treatment may be advised for you if you have:
- Previous history of cavities
- Weak enamel
- Signs of demineralization (white spots) on your teeth
- Plaque build-up
- Dry mouth or decreased saliva
- An eating disorder (e.g., anorexia, bulimia)
- Sensitivity
You may also benefit from a fluoride treatment if you have had head and neck radiation or if you live in a community without fluoridated drinking water. Fluoride is not added to the drinking water in Metro Vancouver or the Lower Mainland.
How often should I have a fluoride treatment?
At Harrison Dental Hygiene fluoride treatments will recommended based on your individual needs.
Remember, fluoride alone will not prevent tooth decay! It is important to brush at least twice a day, floss regularly, eat balanced meals, reduce sugary snacks, and visit your dental professional on a regular basis.